jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Development a real healthy awerence...

I can say that I like the healthy life style, I like eat healthy food, I like sport, I like the nature, I like the outdoor life, etc. But, I must admit that until some time ago I sarted to think about the importance of protect the environment, because a healthy life only is possible in a environment healthy.

In the past, I didn`t have much awerence about environmental care, I don`t mean that this I don`t mattered, but I wasn’t really worried for take measures for protect to environment, I simply say: “oh! Is terrible it what is happening with our planet”, and I did not do anything for remedy it, somehow.

I think, that in generally, we aren`t interested in different things, because we don`t know what is hapeening around us, but when you beging to understand, everything is more interesting. For example:This year making classes of biology and ecology in my professional practice, in a primary school with children of third grade. In the classes we studied: balance relation in the “live organism”, recycling system, and the explication about the “global warming”, and with all this topics, I began to think of other may, about the importance of protect the environment.

Was very beatifull learn thing as these with the kids., beacuse They always have high hopes. Is good because, the children still believe that it is posible to make real changes in our lifestyles, for example: during the class, they were motivated much, and they decided make special trash for recycling, diferent matirials.

All these ideas of children, movivated me, and I decided, take anything measures for help to protect of enviroment, for example: I decided that when I have my own house, I will make a little vegetable garden, and I wish make a “compos” in my garden, for help with the recycling of organic waste, create a decontaminated and healthy place, and have in my house natural and healthy food daily.


3 comentarios:

  1. i really liked your post :) the hole thing with the children is so sweet :D !

  2. Hi!

    Well, children enjoy working in the environment, this is very good, I think that it is important to promote that.

    bye !

  3. Good Daiana,

    Say " I sarted to think about the importance of (protect) PROTECTING the environment, because a healthy life only is possible in a HEALTHY environment (healthy)." AND,

    "I am not saying it did not matter to me...". And, "worry ABOUT TAKING measures" After a preposition use the verb in gerund.

    Also, "I did not do anything to solve the situation", "I began to think differently", "they were very motivated", "I decided to take some measures to protect the environment" . And finally, "Start an ORCHARD"

    2 POINTS
