lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

My experience learn English in the university

In this text, I want to talk about my experience learning English in the university. I decided to write about this topic, because I think that it’s a very good moment to reflect about this long learning process, and thus can evaluate what I learned.   I am currently the last course of English program; however, my experience learning English in the university started three years ago, and has been a experience very complex, which I will describe and analyze more deeply below.

First of all, I must say that I think that learn English is very, very important for anyone in the modern life, and say too, that I think that has been very good for me have these classes. However, my experience learning English in the university, has not been completely good; mainly because for me it was very difficult to learn other language, and because I had very unpleasant classes.

I had to take the four levels of English program, because the level of English that I had was very poor. The first English courses that I had in the university were relatively easy in content, however, I think I did not study enough, and for this reason, while it was progressing the complexity of the courses, also were more complex study for me.  I never had been classes completely in English, and I was very distressed for me, when I did not understand to the teacher, or when I could not participate in the class. Until get to a moment where I could not reach the level of the class, and finally I disapprove the English course number three.

After failing the course, my attitude changed, and I think I started to make real efforts to study and do my homework in the English class. I also had the good fortune, of having very good teachers in the last two courses, and so, then it made me much more pleasant go to English class

After this long and complicated experience, finally I can say I have much to learn yet, but I must admit that this experience, nevertheless, has really helped me to improve my English. I must admit too, that I would have preferred not to have English classes in the university, because having English lessons, on occasion, it was very difficult for me, especially when I also had other obligations to comply with the university. However, I think that, finally, anyway has been very good for me, have improved my English a bit in the university, because it is a tool that will serve me a lifetime.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Diana,

    I agree with you. You really made a big effort and now it´s paying off. Congratulations.
    Your writing has really improved. Great job.

    This is your score:

    Task: 3
    Lexis 2
    Grammar 2

    toatal points: 7 Grade: 5.5
